Thermitight for Double Chin, Turkey Neck, Skin Tightening Arms and Body

ThermiTight Face, Neck and Body Lift

Concerned about a Double Chin, Turkey Neck or Bat Wings?

ThermiTight Face, Neck and Body Lift is a minimally invasive, non-surgical method to tighten loose skin AND eliminate unwanted fat in just ONE treatment. This minimal downtime treatment is commonly used for ‘turkey necks’, double chin, arms (‘bat wings’) and abdomen but can be done anywhere one body.

Where Can You ThermiTight

Thermitight for Double Chin, Turkey Neck, Skin Tightening Arms and Body

How It Works

ThermiTight is a minimally invasive procedure that uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to heat the deep tissues of the treatment area. Radiofrequency (RF) energy has been used for a decade to tighten skin, melt fat and stimulate new collagen formation.

In the past, the RF energy was delivered through the surface of the skin. However, since the skin is very sensitive to heat, the amount of energy that can be delivered is limited before the treatment becomes too uncomfotable. ThermiTight’s innovative technology completely bypasses the outer portion of the skin and delivers the RF energy from below. This allows for optimal heating of the deep tissues without causing any damage or sensitivity to the upper layers of the skin.  This way therapeutic temperatures to the deep tissue can be reached that were never possible before with older technology. ThermiTight can thus produce some of the best non-surgical face, neck and body lift results.

The Details


Improves the appearance of loose skin and excess body fat on the face, neck and body without surgery and only minimal downtime.

The ProcedureThermiTight Face, Neck and Body Lift

A thin probe is gently threaded beneath the skin in the targeted regions, heating the tissue to the therapeutic target temperature settings. An internal and external temperature monitor ensures optimal and safe heating of the tissues.


Local anesthetic is used to numb the area.

Treatment Time

Depending on the area treated, the procedure takes approximately 1-2 hours.

After The Procedure

You can go home comfortably after the procedure. A dressing will be applied to the insertion point after the procedure and and can be removed one to two days afterwards. Patients drive themselves to and from the office.

There is minimal downtime with the ThermiTight procedure – typically a weekend. Bruising is possible but not common after the procedure. Some swelling will occur.  Most patients return to work within a couple of days post-procedure. Some results may be seen immediately with continued improvement over the next few months.

The Results

ThermiTight Face, Neck and Body Lift ThermiTight Face, Neck and Body Lift ThermiTight Face, Neck and Body Lift

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