Excessive Sweating is “the Pits”!


It has been a very hot summer so far, and we know that it can be a struggle coordinating your outfit every day with the heat in mind. Different fabrics and colors show off your sweat, and no one has time for midday pit stains!

The problem with excessive sweating under the arms is that for most people affected by the condition, it is not exclusive to extreme weather. Any kind of warmth or humidity in the air can trigger this sweat and cause embarrassment, shyness and the desire to avoid situations that might expose them. Clinical-strength deodorant may appease the condition temporarily, but we have a solution that can do much better.

What is ThermiDry?

ThermiDry is part of the Thermi family of treatments, designed to relieve you of your underarm sweat permanently. Whereas previously, you would have to opt for expensive laser treatments or Botox injections that have to be repeated periodically, ThermiDry gives you a solution to irritating underarm sweat forever. Ditch your expensive deodorant (although not deodorant completely) and choose a treatment that disables axillary sweat glands for good.

About the Procedure

Under local anesthesia, you will be treated with an injectable tool that sends controlled heating under the skin. This thermal energy is used to disable overactive sweat glands and leave you dry all summer long. The ThermiDry tool is safe for your skin, as the probe provides constant monitoring of your skin temperature as well as the temperature of the tool itself throughout the treatment.

The best part about the ThermiDry procedure is that you will notice results right away! Whether your next event is a summertime wedding or just a backyard barbecue, you will be ready to mingle and dance the night away without fear of embarrassing stains haunting you.

No Pain, No Downtime

ThermiDry is performed under local anesthetic for your comfort and to ensure the procedure is completely painless. Local anesthesia only affects the treated area, so you do not have to wait for sedative to wear off following the procedure. You can actually return to your day as if you had come in for a check-up!

There is no downtime or recovery associated with the ThermiDry treatment. You will be able to enjoy comfort and dry skin under your arms immediately after you leave our offices. How’s that for quick and easy?

A One-Time Procedure

As mentioned before, ThermiDry is the only procedure on the market right now that gives you guaranteed results in only one treatment. Laser therapy and Botox both require upkeep and returning for follow-up appointments periodically. With ThermiDry, you can invest in one, affordable treatment that will last you a lifetime of choosing what you wear no matter the season!

To learn more about ThermiDry, contact MedSpa today. We are Dehli, India go-to destination for Thermi treatments and offer quality care and results to all of our patients. If you have any questions or would like to schedule your ThermiDry appointment, call us today: +91-9958221983.

Feel free to contact us at http://www.thermitreatments.com/thermi-dry.html

Source: http://www.thermitreatments.com/blog/excessive-sweating-pits/



What Are the Main Differences Between ThermiVa and Labiaplasty for Vaginal Rejuvenation?

What Are the Main Differences Between ThermiVa and Labiaplasty for Vaginal Rejuvenation?

About Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure that requires a board certified plastic surgeon to perform. The goal of labiaplasty is to reduce the appearance of the labia majora, which may be naturally larger or become stretchy or saggy due to childbirth or aging. With labiaplasty, a triangular incision is made in the labia major, and the two open sides are then sewn together, making the labia smaller.

While labiaplasty is a successful form of vaginal rejuvenation, it does come with some downsides. First, since it is surgery, women who undergo labiaplasty will experience swelling, bruising, pain and need to refrain from certain activities during the healing process, including sexual intercourse. Second, labiaplasty is a cosmetic-only procedure and doesn’t address some other issues that women notice with their vaginas after childbirth or aging, such as a loosening vagina, vaginal dryness and difficultly achieving orgasm.

About ThermiVa

ThermiVa is a new vaginal rejuvenation treatment, originally developed in Singapore, which helps women regain aesthetic confidence, sexual function, and pleasure. ThermiVa works by using a single use disposable wand, which is smaller than a finger, to labia major and to the vagina to heat the tissue with thermal energy. This heat promotes tighter collagen production and may help in tissue and nerve healing.

The degree of heat that is used is described by women as comfortable, and compared to the heat of wax during a waxing session. Each ThermiVa session takes about 30 minutes to complete, and it contracts both the labia major and in the inside of the vagina. Women typically need three sessions to complete the ThermiVa treatment; each spread one month apart.

Because ThermiVa is a vaginal rejuvenation technique that is non-surgical, there is no down time from the procedure. Women can resume their normal activities the same day as their treatment, including sexual intercourse. And unlike labiaplasty, women who undergo ThermiVa for vaginal rejuvenation notice aesthetic differences to their vaginas as well as a tighter vagina that is more noticeable to both the client and her partner, more natural vaginal lubrication, reduction in incontinence and an easier time achieving orgasms.

I’m Interested in Vaginal Rejuvenation. What Do I Do Next?

If you’re ready to experience a difference down below, contact the MedSpa Clinic for a consultation. During the consultation, we will explain the ThermiVa procedure in detail, and answer any questions that you have. Call to schedule your consultation today at 9958221983 or Visit our website www.thermitreatments.com/thermi-va.html .


Whats so Great About ThermiVa

Whats so Great About ThermiVa

Though some women may blush at the notion of vaginal rejuvenation, the truth is that this noninvasive and transformative treatment is actually more beneficial than most people think. From genetics to childbirth to the natural process of aging, it is very common for the female anatomy to change over time. Thankfully, there is new and revolutionary technology that helps to reverse the results- and provide relief from discomfort in the process!

Before you say “NO WAY” to vaginal rejuvenation, consider these 4 benefits of using ThermiVa to get your pep back in your step…


Every aging woman can attest to the eventual loosening of vaginal skin, tissue- specifically surrounding the labia. While this occurs naturally over time, certain life occasions, such as childbirth, can intensify the stretching or disfigurement of this area.

At MedSpa, we understand that not only is this potentially embarrassing for women, but that it can lead to discomfort, as well. Through the same technology that tightens the skin on your face, ThermiVa will restore your vaginal tissue with pain-free radio frequencies to a tighter state than when you walked through the front door.


One of the lingering results from natural childbirth is the issue of weakened pelvic floor muscles. With increased pressure from carrying a growing child for 9 months to the stress created through the process of childbirth, the aftermath can be a mild to severe case of incontinence.

However incontinence isn’t reserved just for women who gave birth vaginally. Instead, age also plays a major role in weakened muscles, potentially causing awkward moments of involuntary urine leakage. ThermiVa can treat this issue through the tightening of tissue in the vaginal region, leaving you able to enjoy activities more- without the worry of an incident in the meantime.

Increased Stimulation

Probably one of the most rewarding benefits of the ThermiVa treatment for women is the ability to not only improve their sexual stimulation, but enjoyment as well, with renewed vaginal tightness.

Many women experience increased moisture, comfort and sensation after their ThermiVa treatment, ultimately improving their overall sexual experience.

Ease of Treatment

Finally, thanks to the non-invasive and pain- free technology, ThermiVa is more feasible than ever, for women of all ages. With an outpatient process that takes around 30- 40 minutes, women can leave their appointments without anesthesia, pain or downtime.

With minimal maintenance treatments- approximately 1-2 times per year- women are able to enjoy the benefits of their newly restored vaginal region immediately upon completion.

If you are experiencing any of the above issues, from incontinence to discomfort during sex, or if you are simply unhappy with the loose skin surrounding your vagina, the time is now to take action. At MedSpa, we have experienced specialists waiting to help transform your vaginal tissue with the comfort of a small hand-held wand and zero pain. Call today to find out what amazing results you can achieve with ThermiVa!

Our very own Dr. Ajaya Kashyap has been certified & trained to become a Thermi expert. 

Let us know you’re interested and we will send you more information regarding ThermiVa at www.thermitreatments.com/thermi-va.html !

Source: http://www.thermitreatments.com/blog/whats-so-great-about-thermiva/

ThermiVa for Stress Incontinence Vaginal Rejuvenation and Restore Vaginal Health

ThermiVa for Stress Incontinence Vaginal Rejuvenation and Restore Vaginal Health

Address vaginal health/sexual dysfunction issues once only corrected by surgery, with a breakthrough non-surgical procedure called ThermiVA®.

ThermiVA® resolves a myriad of vaginal issues in as little as a 30-minute doctor’s office visit.

If you’re suffering with vaginal looseness, incontinence, are dissatisfied with the appearance of your labia, and wish your sexual encounters were filled with the same excitement of the past, you need to know that ThermiVA® is a completely non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedure that can help you accomplish all those goals.

ThermiVA® is appropriate for women of all ages, but is especially beneficial if you’ve had children or you’re of menopausal age. The treatment tightens the inner vaginal walls for increased sexual satisfaction for you and your partner and it’s effective for addressing incontinence.

Why Choose Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation isn’t simply a cosmetic treatment. It’s a medical procedure that is an investment in your physical and emotional health and well-being.

Vaginal rejuvenation with ThermiVA® is a painless, state-of-the-art procedure that tightens the tissues of the inner vaginal walls, not just the outer opening of the vagina.

It works to improve your body’s ability to produce vaginal lubrication to eliminate uncomfortable or painful sex, and increases sensation for more intense and pleasurable sexual encounters. The tightening effect also improves the appearance of the labia.

Vaginal rejuvenation benefits include:

  • Decreased dryness, softer and thicker skin internally and externally, for more comfortable sex
  • Reduced incontinence, leakage, accidents, and urge symptoms. If you’ve been diagnosed with mild to moderate stress incontinence, you may avoid the use of mesh slings in the vagina
  • Increased sexual satisfaction, more vaginal sensitivity, more coordinated and strong muscular contractions, and stronger orgasms in a shorter amount of time
  • Tightens the opening and complete length of the vagina to reduce laxity that’s noticeable to you and your partner
  • Tightens the labia to reduce sag and produces noticeably softer and smoother skin. You’ll be more comfortable in tight clothes and less self-conscious in revealing or form-fitting clothing

ThermiVA® is an effective treatment with proven results to treat various sexual dysfunction issues.thermiva realself rating

Many women believe they have to simply live with the changes that come after childbirth or with menopause.

You don’t!

ThermiVA® restores the health of the vagina and revitalizes sensitivity for a more satisfying sex life.

The ThermiVA® Procedure

ThermiVA® is a leading treatment for improving vaginal health in women of all ages. It utilizes a temperature-controlled radio frequency system that works by stimulating collagen production, a protein the body manufactures naturally to keep skin taut and youthful.

The utilization of radio frequency waves allows for the safe delivery of controlled heat with no pain or downtime. The in-office procedure can be performed in just 15-30 minutes and you’ll see an immediate and significant improvement after one treatment.

Studies have shown that 3 treatments over a period of three months provide optimal results.

The ThermiVA® procedure also increases blood flow and allows for more synchronous muscle contractions of the vaginal wall and pelvic muscles to provide you with improved control over stress incontinence, improved vaginal moisture for ease of arousal, decreased pain, and improved sexual satisfaction.

An Effective Way to Restore Vaginal Health

A wide variety of changes take place in your body over time that affects the elasticity, appearance and suppleness of your vagina and labia. Kegel exercises are good for strengthening the pelvic floor, but they can’t restore, rejuvenate or improve inner vaginal tissues that have begun to thin and shrink.

Common causes of vaginal looseness are:

  • Childbirth
  • Aging
  • Menopause
  • Significant weight fluctuations
  • Some medications
  • Certain medical conditions
  • Vaginal trauma

The symptoms of tissue that has become lax and lost its resilience typically happens over time and is often overlooked, ignored and accepted as “normal.” Genetics and heredity can also play a role, but the technology is now available so you don’t have to live with it.

Is ThermiVA® Right for You?

If you are having vaginal issues, schedule an appointment with an experience cosmetic & plastic surgeon like Dr. Ajaya Kashyap in Delhi, India @ http://www.thermitreatments.com/thermi-va.html .

Women from 21 to 80 years of age have been treated successfully with ThermiVA®. You don’t have to wait to remedy incontinence or reclaim your sex life.

ThermiVA® is for any woman who wants to experience better orgasms, reduce the negative effects of a leaky bladder, and improve the appearance of their vagina for restored confidence and better quality of life.

ThermiVa for Stress Incontinence Vaginal Rejuvenation and Restore Vaginal Health

ThermiRF and ThermiVA–Areas which can be treated!


Acne scars, bulging uneven contours, sagging droopy skin, noticeable platysmal bands, loose tissues and excessive sweating have one thing in common – no one wants them. Even after trying non-invasive methods, you fail to get results. However, things have changed now. With the ground breaking solution – ThermiRF, it is now possible for you to get rid of these issues.

Areas which can be treated with this method

It can treat several different areas. Patients who seek toxin-free glabella relaxation can get maximum benefit from this treatment. It provides sub-dermal tightening on different body parts and treat cellulite. Correcting vaginal laxity, treating axillary hyperhidrosis, and tightening and smoothing the skin are some of the most common uses of this treatment. It has dual capabilities to tighten skin and remove fat which provide a full body contouring without any need for additional treatment modalities.

Now Offering ThermiVaThermi VA 

it is human nature to crave for attractive and well-shaped body. Childbirth and natural process of ageing can bring along some changes which can affect feminine wellness. The effects of menopause, multiple births and particularlystrenuous naturalchildbirth can lead to physical changes which can take away sense of welfare and happiness from women.  In such a scenario, ThermiVA treatment can help you build self-esteem and improve lives. Women who are in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s are the entire right candidate for this procedure. The new technology makes use of the radio frequency for tightening the internal and external areas of vaginal region. In addition, the treatment along with tightening also helps in reducing urinary leakage and vaginal dryness.

Schedule an Appointment http://www.thermitreatments.com/enquiry.html

What is ThermiVa, the Latest in Nonsurgical Vaginal Rejuvenation

Smiling woman enjoying in grass.

Ok, Ladies. It’s time to talk plain. These days, we’re no longer trying to hide that we’ve had “work done.” Instead, we’re talking up our dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons during Girls’ Night Out. Most of us love to share strategies, procedures, and products that keep our skin youthful or that give us a lift here and there. But even with our best girlfriends, we rarely talk about what’s going on with our vaginas.

All of us wonder at one point or another what happens to our most feminine part after childbirth and menopause. It’s just not something our mothers talked about.

At MedSpa, women sometimes come to us in tears asking if there’s something wrong with them because they’re losing vaginal moisture or because they have sagging skin where they never did before. After we give each one a hug, we tell her two things:

  1. It’s normal
  2. We can help

“Normal?” you ask.

Yes, normal.

Believe it or not, labiaplasty (plastic surgery altering the folds of skin surrounding the vulva) is one of the fastest growing cosmetic surgery procedures today. In fact, between 2012 and 2013, the number of labiaplasties performed in the US increased by 44%!

The 5,000 women who had the surgery are brave souls who were serious about addressing the functional and cosmetic concerns they had about their vaginas. They must have been because labiaplasty is an invasive, surgical procedure that requires significant downtime (including 6 weeks of no sex!).

Can you imagine what the numbers might look like if there were a procedure that was non-surgical and required no downtime?

Well guess what.

Now there is.

Introducing ThermiVa

ThermiVa is an in-office cosmetic procedure that uses a combination of radio frequency and thermal heat to treat laxity of the feminine tissue caused by:

  • Aging
  • Menopause
  • Childbirth
  • Weight gain/loss
  • Vaginal trauma

ThermiVa technology uses gentle heat to tighten the skin and promote new collagen. In just three 30-minute sessions, spaced a month apart, ThermiVa changes women’s lives – without the pain, surgery, narcotics, downtime, and restrictions associated with labiaplasty.

Some ThermiVa patients are new moms looking to get back their vaginal elasticity and sensitivity following childbirth. Others are older women with mild-stress incontinence or cosmetic vaginal laxity brought on by the aging process. No matter why they come, ThermiVa patients are always glad they do.

Benefits of ThermiVa include:

  • Increased lubrication
  • Increased sexual response
  • Shrinkage of excess tissue
  • Elimination of urinary leakage caused by sagging tissue

Some women begin to experience the results of ThermiVa following the first session. The benefits are long lasting, and as if that weren’t enough, ThermiVa patients can resume sexual activity the same night as the procedure!

Yes, you heard right.

No downtime, and no restrictions on sex following your ThermiVa treatments.

You can even schedule sessions for your lunch break and head right back to work.

Is ThermiVa right for you?

At MedSpa in Delhi, we want you to feel good about yourself and live the life you were meant to live. If you think vaginal rejuvenation will help restore your youthful confidence and femininity, call us to schedule a consultation.  Let’s talk about whether ThermiVa is right for you. contact MedSpa Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery today at 09958221983, 9818369662 or visit thermitreatments.com.

Thermitight for Double Chin, Turkey Neck, Skin Tightening Arms and Body

ThermiTight Face, Neck and Body Lift

Concerned about a Double Chin, Turkey Neck or Bat Wings?

ThermiTight Face, Neck and Body Lift is a minimally invasive, non-surgical method to tighten loose skin AND eliminate unwanted fat in just ONE treatment. This minimal downtime treatment is commonly used for ‘turkey necks’, double chin, arms (‘bat wings’) and abdomen but can be done anywhere one body.

Where Can You ThermiTight

Thermitight for Double Chin, Turkey Neck, Skin Tightening Arms and Body

How It Works

ThermiTight is a minimally invasive procedure that uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to heat the deep tissues of the treatment area. Radiofrequency (RF) energy has been used for a decade to tighten skin, melt fat and stimulate new collagen formation.

In the past, the RF energy was delivered through the surface of the skin. However, since the skin is very sensitive to heat, the amount of energy that can be delivered is limited before the treatment becomes too uncomfotable. ThermiTight’s innovative technology completely bypasses the outer portion of the skin and delivers the RF energy from below. This allows for optimal heating of the deep tissues without causing any damage or sensitivity to the upper layers of the skin.  This way therapeutic temperatures to the deep tissue can be reached that were never possible before with older technology. ThermiTight can thus produce some of the best non-surgical face, neck and body lift results.

The Details


Improves the appearance of loose skin and excess body fat on the face, neck and body without surgery and only minimal downtime.

The ProcedureThermiTight Face, Neck and Body Lift

A thin probe is gently threaded beneath the skin in the targeted regions, heating the tissue to the therapeutic target temperature settings. An internal and external temperature monitor ensures optimal and safe heating of the tissues.


Local anesthetic is used to numb the area.

Treatment Time

Depending on the area treated, the procedure takes approximately 1-2 hours.

After The Procedure

You can go home comfortably after the procedure. A dressing will be applied to the insertion point after the procedure and and can be removed one to two days afterwards. Patients drive themselves to and from the office.

There is minimal downtime with the ThermiTight procedure – typically a weekend. Bruising is possible but not common after the procedure. Some swelling will occur.  Most patients return to work within a couple of days post-procedure. Some results may be seen immediately with continued improvement over the next few months.

The Results

ThermiTight Face, Neck and Body Lift ThermiTight Face, Neck and Body Lift ThermiTight Face, Neck and Body Lift

Get more information: http://www.thermitreatments.com

Know more about cosmetic surgery: http://www.bestfacesurgeryindia.com

Enquiry At: info@thermitreatments.com | +9818369662, 9958221983